domingo, 17 de septiembre de 2017

Autoentrenamiento antes de la VISA J1/ Training at home

Cuando ya hayas hecho match te llegará un email de Ray Smith, este email es muy importante por que la agencia Go Au Pair te envia tu usuario y contraseña para poder realizar el training online que es OBLIGATORIO e indispensable para que al aprobarlo te envien la Forma DS-2019 (que sin ella no puedes entrar a US y es la que te firma el cónsul), I90 y una carta de Go Au Pair diciendo que eres aplicante.


  1. Ya que has abierto el link que puse arriba o el que esta en tu email te aparecerá lo siguiente:
    Pantalla principal del test entras en la opción STUDENT LOGIN
  1. Ahora pondrás tu email y la contraseña que te dieron en el mail
    email y contraseña
  1. Te aparecerá un listado de los 5 test, te recomiendo empezar en orden.

Leía la pregunta, buscaba en la tablet y llenaba el test jajajaja hice un poco de trampa pero tenía apuro; y luego ya leí el manual completo que por cierto.... tiene muy buena información para las Au Pair, las diferencias entre las edades de los niños y algunas actividades que puedes realizar en cada edad, es bueno recordar porque lo usarás luego en la vida AUPERIANA.
Disculpen que no les suba el manual, pero el manual y los videos tienen un tiempo limite para usarlo y a mi se me borró el que descargue en la tablet :(
El avance y los resultados estarán en este menú desplegable de la derecha.
El training consta de 5 diferentes test que contienen entre 60 y 30 preguntas de opción múltiple cada uno, para aprobar el training debes completar todas las preguntas basándote en los 9 DVDs de 6 horas cada uno y un manual llamado Entrenamiento Sobre Cuidado de Niños... 
Cada test debe tener un puntaje mayor al 60% para que puedas pasar al siguiente así que mucha precaución con esto.Otro dato importante: La agencia APW te enviará correos electrónicos con todos los videos para que te los descargues, los veas y hagas el test pero... a muchas nos ha pasado... LOS VIDEOS NO SE DESCARGAN!!!!!
Llena lo mas rápido que puedas los test por que recuerda que la agencia en Estados Unidos no te enviara el amado DS2019 hasta que no termines el training.Lee el manual, yo como lo hice:Se que leer tooodo un manual y luego tratar de acordarte y llenar 50 o 30 preguntas y tener un puntaje mayor a 60% es demasiado así que yo use mi tablet y la computadora al mismo tiempo, en la tablet descargue el manual que es un PDF así que no hay problema y en mi computadora tenia abierta mi sesión en el link de TRAINING TEST GO AU PAIR.

Eso hasta ahora (domingo 17 de septiembre del 2017) no lo han solucionado pero NO TE PREOCUPES!!!Descarga el manual que te enviara la agencia de tu pais (ojo este manual no te lo envia Go Au Pair).

Yo pasé los 5 test con un puntaje mayor al 80% con mi técnica jajajaja Otra cosa super buena de esto es que puedes tomar descansos, aunque te mida el tiempo, si quieres dormir pues solo apagas la compu y no cierres la sesión y luego lo continuas, o si cierras la sesión no pasa nada vuelves a entrar y continuas, no se pierde el avance de cada test. Ojo que para que el sistema cuente como test finalizado deberas llenar TODAS las preguntas si hay una en blanco no te calificarán y también puedes verificar que todas las preguntas este bien resueltas antes de finalizar el test así que TOMATE TU TIEMPO.Y ESO ES TODO CON RESPECTO AL TRAINING MUCHA SUERTE YO LO TERMINÉ EN 3 DIAS SIN DORMIR POR QUE ESTABA TRABAJANDO DURANTE EL DÍA.

Si ya estas en esta parte.... ÁNIMO Y ME ALEGRO MUCHO QUE HAYAS HECHO MATCH!!!!! SUERTEEE Y ABRAZOS...SIGUIENTE PASO: Llenar los documentos en linea para la solicitud de la visa

martes, 12 de septiembre de 2017

Dear Family


The history begins when I have received an email from my agency Go Au Pair inviting to nominate each host family as the best in the 2017 year.


Here is the letter that I have send and my video too, enjoy it
Im sorry dear Koenig Family today (09-12-2017) the agency choose just 10 family for the final and We aren't there but I want show you what I did....
because the print is crazy right now I put it on my blog.

"I nominate my dear KOENIG family as the Host Family in Excellence Award because I can’t believe how they have change  my life. I am not only the Au Pair, I’m part of their family. They have made it possible for me to live the American culture as a member of the family, my host mom and host dad are my friends and my second parents. The two are very concerned about my well-being as a person and as a loved one within this family. Dad and Mom always talk to me and we have long conversations about culture, feelings and goals; conversations that you have only with family. I even talk about dating and boys with my mom
My host kids are the best, they are 3 years old, 2 years old and 8 months old; I sometimes I feel they are my brothers. I feel they are my children and they are always my angels, and when they take their naps they ask me to lie down next to them until they fall asleep. My host family is the best because they treat me like a professional and trust me and my children trust and let me guide them. In this short time thanks to my Mom and Dad, I am another authority figure at home at all times which is very helpful when you take care of children. My children are learning Spanish and they know 4 songs and around 50 words or more in Spanish; I love to teach them, they are beautiful, they do not eat dinner if I am not at the table because they feel like they're missing someone. 
My host family has not only been dedicated to fulfilling the objectives of the program but they have surpassed all the expectations; they are very responsible and always try to help me learn new things about family, culture, language and having best experience as an Au Pair. I am very grateful to my host family because we have shared fun, sad, exciting and boring moments together, and this is the most valuable thing for me. My first trip with the family was to celebrate their wedding anniversary and it was beautiful, we went on vacation and my host dad drove all the way there and gave me a plane ticket back home with my host mom and baby, we passed as much time with family as possible: I am grateful to the family of my host family, uncles and aunts, grandpas and grandmothers who also treat me as part of the family and take care of me and are interested in my culture and my goals. My host family took me to meet my grandmother to present me formally too. My mom cooks delicious food and always teaches me new recipes, and when they go to the grocery store they ask me what I want them to buy me, when they return at home they always bring me something special to surprise me. Every time when we go on a trip they try to make sure everyone enjoy doing activities that usually, I've never done before. 
I have many anecdotes with my host family, one of them was the snow in May, that surprised me because I did not have clothes for winter and my host mom lent everything that I needed. In our two week vacation in North Dakota my dad, grandpa and my mom taught me to waterski, the next day my body was so sore!. They always take me to dinner with them in restaurants and they suggest handmade beers made in our state of Colorado or the best dishes and desserts that they have in that place. 
My dad is a lot of fun and my mom too, so we always have funny times, we went Hicking and each one takes a kid and loads them to get all to the tops of the mountains, climbing mountains with kids on your back has been something I never imagined to do and as tiring that sounds, I've never had as much fun as in those moments. When my host kids hug me or tell me they love me, when my host family prays for me, when we all give a good night hug, when we share videos of children doing funny things, they are small details that make me feel at home. 
Every time my dad or mom comes home from work my children and I go out to meet them at the door with hugs and it's something that fills me with emotion, knowing what my parents are striving for in their jobs for us, why they love us. 
This nomination will be a surprise to them because they deserve it, I love them very much and even though I'm not a good writer, I want to express all the good feelings I have for them or how much I love my Koenig family."

Love you so much
P.D.: I put something in our fridge and Thank you so much Kirsten for correct my grammar and punctuation haha Love you too.

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